Autograph Authenticity and Guarantee





  • All autograph signings are witnessed by a NSD representative and law enforcement officer
  • numbered National Sports Distributors hologram is applied to each autographed item with a Certificate of Authenticity with matching number. The numbered hologram system began in 2005, prior to that, items had a letter of authenticity with no hologram number.
  • Each NSD hologram is tamper-proof and will tear if removed
  • Every item is autographed with the right type of pen, under the right conditions
  • Quality control is second to none in the industry
  • 100% Authenticity Guarantee Guaranteed
  • Our reputation stands behind us-we've been in business since 1989
  • Autographed memorabilia is our number one seller

When I think of National Sports Distributors, I think of quality autographed items with unquestionable authenticity at very reasonable prices.  Additionally, they truly value their customers and are excellent when it comes to customer service.  As a collector for more than 20 years, I want to congratulate NSD."                    Albert Ruder, Bay Harbor Island, FL

  • Read what other customers and business associates say in our Testimonials



National Sports Distributors has worked with hundreds of athletes over the years.  If your event or organization is looking for a special guest, please give us a call. Athletes are available for speaking engagements, social parties and golf tournaments. Each event can have a photo opportunity and autograph signing session.  You can't get much more authentic than this!