The Super Bowl LVIII (58) Official Game Model Football is...
are represented EXCLUSIVELY by NSD
Please contact us for all appearance requests
TriStar Productions produces many autograph shows throughout the year. Ordering your TriStar Productions show merchandise in advance from NSD will save you plenty of money, save you valuable time at the show and insure that you will have your items. Our prices are excellent and many of the items will ship directly from the manufacturer. TriStar Productions will accept your merchandise shipments for items that you would like to have autographed. You can contact TriStar Productions at TriStar NSD can ship your items directly to TriStar Productions. We can ship your TriStar Productions items to any location. Plan ahead and order your TriStar Productions autograph show merchandise as soon as possible. This is vital! If you wait to get your items at the TriStar Productions show there will be a very good chance that the items will not be available. Order your TriStar Productions items now. Even if you must have several orders that is OK, but do not wait to get your items at the TriStar Productions Show. Be sure to log-in on this NSD website with your email to see our low prices. This logon is required by the manufacturers. National Sports Distributors has a very good relationship with TriStar Productions. With NSD and TriStar Productions working together we will make sure you are taken care of with show merchandise for all the TriStar Productions Shows.
Riddell will not allow us to show many of our lower prices until you login with an email address! To create a simple account so you can order with our lower prices click here. This is especially true for Full Size Helmets!
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The Super Bowl LVIII (58) Official Game Model Football is...
You can have a Riddell Wholesale Account through National...