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Dwight Clark "The Catch" #87 ZipJewel

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dwight clark medallion
dwight clark medallion
dwight clark medallion
Price: $20.00

These Dwight Clark "The Catch" 49ers Zip Jewels have a special significance.

Dwight was always willing to give an autograph when approached by fans. When Dwight became ill with ALS, Robert Hemphill, owner of National Sports, designed this special ZipJewel that Dwight could personally hand to the fan when he was no longer able to sign an autograph. These ZipJewels have a very personal meaning and have only been available through Dwight Clark and Robert, as his agent of 25 years.

Use these on a keychain, backpack or jacket pull. Great momento as a gift for the 49er fan. Each side is different as pictured.